Benefits of Sun-dried Raisin

Benefits of Sun-dried Raisin

The antioxidant in raisins prevents aging and the resulting diseases

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The antioxidant in raisins prevents aging and the resulting diseases. Raisins are one of the dried fruits found throughout the year. Diet is one of the best foods that have low fat and Sodium and high vitamin content for the body. Eating raisins is very useful in preventing osteoporosis Raisins not only prevent osteoporosis but also play an important role in the health of the bones. Sun-dried raisins have antioxidant properties which are very useful in preventing cellular damage. It is a very important source of vitamin D and estrogen hormone, and raisins help the body function properly. One of the best sources of vitamins in the body is the use of raisins, which are vitamins in raisins: potassium, iron, vitamin B, calcium. Raisins contain a lot of iron. Experts in the food and nutrition industry believe that 2 grams of raisins provides 5% of the body's daily iron requirement. 1 gram of raisins has about 2.5 mg of iron, while 5 grams of beef contains between 0.5 mg of iron.

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